Friday, November 29, 2013

Galatians 4 -- Lots To Boil Down In This Chapter

Boiling down this whole chapter into a few paragraphs is impossible, but some important things from my commentary stuck out:


“The New Testament word for adoption means “to place as an adult son”.  It’s more about our position that our condition, it said.  “Under grace, the believer is a son of God with adult standing in God’s family … Like the prodigal son, the Galatians wanted their Father to accept them as servants, when they really were sons … Since we are adopted – placed as adult sons in the family – we may begin drawing on our inheritance right now … The son has a future, while the servant does not … The Galatians were dropping out of the school of grace and enrolling in the kindergarten of law!”


“We must lay aside childish things.  How easy it is for us to hold the toys of our earlier Christian days and fail to lay hold of the tools of the mature believer.  The child does not enjoy being weaned, but he can never become a man until it happens…”


“God began with grace, not law.”  He clothed Adam and Eve in grace before giving the law.


“Legalism is one of the major problems among Christians today.  We must keep in mind that legalism does not mean the setting of spiritual standards; it means worshipping those standards and thinking that we are spiritual because we obey them.  It also means judging other believers on the basis of those standards.”


Father, help me to digest all of this and apply it to my life.  Remind me that You have adopted me as an adult son into Your family.


Your Brother In Christ,

Gary Ford

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