Monday, November 25, 2013

Galatians 2 Continued -- Not Really Paul vs Peter

Paul had to take Peter to task for retreating on the issue of legalism.  He traveled to Jerusalem and met with Peter, James, and John, then with the Jerusalem church.  My commentary wondered how different Christianity would have been if Paul’s philosophy had been “peace at any price”.  Would we have just become a minor sect of Judaism?


Paul decided that God was directing him and once he shared his firm beliefs with the council, they agreed.  My commentary also said, “The leaders recognized that God had assigned different areas of ministry to different men.”  Paul to the Gentiles and Peter to the Jews, much like some men do an excellent job working with you while others are much better with adults today.  It’s not about competition, but cooperation in spreading the Gospel.


Father, please continue to direct me to that group that You have uniquely gifted me to serve.  Show all of us where You want us working.


Your Brother In Christ,

Gary Ford

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