Thursday, April 11, 2013

Romans 5 -- No Argument Stands

Sometimes we just need to be told that we’re wrong when we think we’re right, and that’s what Paul does here.  I remember once trying to argue just why I should be declared guilty because of adma’s sin.  (At the time, I didn’t realize just how stupid of an argument that really was – after all, I’d sinned multiple times myself.)  My commentary explains that, yes, it was fair of God to condemn all people for Adam’s sin, and it wasn’t just fair, “but it was also wise and generous … by condemning the human race through one man (Adam), God was then able to save the human race through one Man (Jesus Christ)? … In Adam, we lost our kingship, but in Jesus Christ we reign as kings.”  God was incredibly generous to offer all of humanity salvation through acceptance of His Son.


I also remember arguing with God about why one disobedient act separated Adam (and all of us) from God.  My commentary said, “Adam did not have to commit a series of sins.  In ne act, God tested Adam, and he failed.  It is termed ‘an offense’ and an act of ‘disobedience’.  The word offense means trespass – crossing over the line.   God told Adam how far he could go, and Adam decided to go beyond the appointed limit.”


Christians can never get to the point where we never sin.  It’s just a part of our fleshly nature.  “The Christian’s body is subject to death and his old nature tempts him to sin, but in Jesus Christ, he can ‘reign in life’ because he is a part of the gracious kingdom of Christ,” my commentary said.  “You cannot help being ‘in Adam’, for this came by your first birth over which  you had no control.  But you can help staying ‘in Adam’, for you can experience a second birth – a new birth from above – that will put you ‘in Christ’.”


Father, I’m glad I long ago gave up trying to argue with You and simply admitted that I am and always will be a sinner.  I crossed the line that You set before me, just as Adam did.  I was guilty as charged.  But You stepped in, erased the old record, and brought be back to You, and You gave Your only Son to do that.  Help me every day to be more like Him and less like Adam.


Your Brother In Christ,

Gary Ford

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