Monday, April 22, 2013

Romans 12 -- Our Relationships With God And Others, Friends And Foes

In our relationship to God, Paul says that as a Christian, I must give God my body, give Him my mind, and give Him my will, according to my commentary.  My mind controls my body, and my will controls my mind.  It’s suggested that we accomplish this surrender through disciplined prayer, starting each day first by surrendering our bodies to Christ, then spending time in God’s Word, letting Him transform our minds, preparing our thinking for that new day.  Then we pay, yielding the plans of the day to Him, letting him work as He sees best, praying especially for what’s on the schedule that is worrisome or upsetting.  That sounds like a perfect way to start each day.


In our relationship to other believers, I read that each Christian must honestly evaluate his own spiritual gifts, not holding back in using what God has given him, and hot overrating himself, trying to exercise gifts that have not been given.  Then we must faithfully cooperate with other believers, allowing them also to exercise their God-given gifts – not minimizing their gifts over our own.  “It is possible to use a spiritual gift in an unspiritual way,” my commentary said.  Our participation must be done in a loving way, with honest love and not hypocritical love – humble and not proud.


Finally, Paul talked about our relationships with our enemies.  While we can attract enemies by being faithful in our witness, it’s quite another thing to attract enemies because we lack love and patience.  We can’t play God and try to avenge ourselves, either.  We are told to return good for evil, and that requires love and faith, believing that God can work and accomplish His will in every life.


Father, Your timing, as always, is excellent.  I will need this today.  Guide me.  Go before me.  Help me not to defend myself, but to leave it in Your hands.  Help me to submit my body, my mind, and my will to You.


Your Brother In Christ,

Gary Ford

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