Tuesday, January 22, 2013

2 Corinthians 3 -- WHY Do You Obey?

My commentary reminded me that “Paul wrote at a period in history when the ages were overlapping.  The new covenant of grace had come in, but the temple services were still being carried on.”  The Corinthians and others found themselves caught between these two factions.  Those teachers of the Law were trying desperately to hold onto the old, and they wanted to impose it on those who’d never known it.


The use of the law, Paul had found, was to make people understand that it left them hopelessly condemned.  Living under it left one feeling more and more guilty, producing those feelings of hopelessness and rejection.


“The Law brought us to Christ, but only grace can make us like Christ.”  It finally comes down to why we obey – is it “legal obedience, born of fear” or “filial obedience born of love”?  That obedience is not something we can accomplish on our own.  “It is God who makes us able to do all that we do,” Paul wrote.


Father, I’m glad that You made me tired of the guilt.  I’m glad that You got me to a point where I saw that my own hope of obedience was impossible, and that my only hope was to throw myself on Your mercy and grace and give up, allowing the Holy Spirit to enable me to obey You out of love and not out of fear.


Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

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