Friday, January 18, 2013

2 Corinthians 1 -- Tough Times, God Times

Paul was describing how he managed to hang on through some very tough times with God’s help.  My commentary boiled it down to this:


1)       Remember what God is to you

a)      Praise Him because He is God

b)      Praise Him because He is the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ

c)       Praise Him because He is the Father of mercies

d)      Praise Him because He is the God of all comfort

2)       Remember what God does for you

a)      He permits the trials to come

b)      He is in control of trials

c)       He enables us to bear our trials

d)      He delivers us from our trials

e)      He is glorified through our trials

3)      Remember what God does through you

a)      We learn to be channels of blessing to others

b)      He perfects our character and helps us to share the character of God

c)       Through our sufferings He prepares us for something He is going to do


“How we handle the difficulties of life will depend largely on what kind of character we have, for what life does to us depends on what life finds in us.”


To Paul, having a clear conscience despite everything was very important.  In other words, not disappointing God during our trials.  “When you have a clear conscience, you will live in the light of the return of Jesus Christ, you will be serious about the will of God, you will glorify Jesus Christ, and you will be on good terms with the Spirit of God.”


If instead our conscience is clouded by sin, we can find ourselves experiencing the opposite of these things during our trials.


Father, there sure have been a lot of trials over the last three years.  But I can look back and see that You’ve been using them to grow my faith and my character, and You’ve taught me better to trust You.  Through it all, I’ve learned how to help others to do the same.  Thank You for the growth that has come from the trials.  Give me opportunities to share with others how they too can find rainbows in the storm clouds.


Your Brother In Christ,

Gary Ford

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