Paul loved a church that wasn’t loving him.
They’d fallen – hook, line, and sinker – for the arguments of the false
teachers and had accepted a substitute gospel, and now he was trying to get
them to see exactly what they’d done.
These false teachers had given every reason in the world why
the church should disavow Paul, trying to make him look weak and make themselves
look like super-apostles. My commentary said that the Holy Spirit
inspired Paul to compare the two ministries to show the church
how they’d been fooled. The main point was that Paul was a giver
while the false teachers were takers. The false teachers boasted
about their speaking skill and Paul’s lack of it. Paul boasted only in
what he’s suffered for being an apostle. After all, why
would anyone put up with everything he’d experienced unless he’d been give a
holy commission?
Father, yesterday and this morning I’ve felt a little like
Paul must have felt. I believe that I have trusted and obeyed, and
difficulties have still arisen. I know that they amount to
trust-builders. Help me to remember that and to never doubt that You are
100% in control of everything in this world. My job is to trust and know
that Your will cannot be overridden.
Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford