Friday, September 21, 2012

Job 24-28 Knowledge vs. Wisdom

“Those who fight against the light do not know God’s ways or stay in His paths … They want nothing to do with the light … God may let these evil people feel safe, but He is watching their ways.”  Job’s friends had been sure that they had wisdom, but were soon to find out how little they did know of God.


Job talked about their need for wisdom.  He described how greed can lead people to work slavishly for gold and gems, yet they won’t put that much effort into gaining God’s wisdom.


Job also said wisdom can’t be bought.  “Man doesn’t comprehend the price of wisdom and thinks he can get it cheaply,” my commentary said.  Job knew that the fear of the Lord is wisdom, and God had described Job that way.  “Fear of the Lord is not a fear that paralyzes, but one that energizes.  When you fear the Lord, you obey His commands, walk in His ways and serve him.  You are loyal to Him and give Him wholehearted service … You depart from evil,” my commentary added.  “The better we know Christ and the more we become like Him, the more we will walk in wisdom and understand the will of the Lord.


Father, I know that I cannot attain wisdom on my own.  I need You to sow me what is wise and what is not.  And the more You show me about Yourself, the more I realize just how little I know of You.  Keep peeling back the layers and continue revealing Yourself to me, Father.  I want to know You more.


Your Brother In Christ,

Gary Ford

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