Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Job 15-17 A Different Theology Than His Friends Had

Eliphaz couldn’t believe Job’s words.  He and the others had to prove Job wrong, for “their own peace of mind was at stake … If Job was not a sinner being punished by God, then the three friends’ understanding of God was all wrong.  But that meant they had no protection against personal suffering themselves!  If obedience is not a guarantee of health and wealth, then what happened to Job might happen to them!  God forbid! … If everybody believed as Job did – that God does not always punish the wicked and reward the godly – then what motive would people have for obeying God? … This is the devil’s theology, the very thing that God was using Job to refute!  If people serve God only for what they get out of it, then they are not serving God at all; they are only serving themselves by making God their servant,” my commentary said.


It continued: 

“Job wanted a lawyer to plead his case before God and convince him that he was innocent … God’s people don’t need that kind of intercession … The Christian believer has this heavenly Advocate in Jesus Christ.  As our interceding High Priest, Christ gives us the conquering grace we need when we are tempted and tested.  If we fail, then He is our Advocate to forgive us and restore us when we confess our sins to Him.”


The world seems to think it’s all the worse when Christians sin, probably because they think Christians are supposing themselves to be holier than most and therefore are falling farther when they fail.  In the incredible mystery of God’s grace, though, when we fail, we are forgiven and restored when we confess our sins to Him.  He even comes looking for us to restore us, so great is His love.


Thank You, Father, for that grace and forgiveness.  Satan wants so much for us to believe the lie that we are the worst of the worst if we sin as Christians and that You will come after us for causing dishonor to Your Name.  Instead, You gain glory by forgiving us and restoring us!  Don’t let me listen to Satan’s lies.


Your Brother In Christ,

Gary Ford

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