Monday, August 13, 2012

Luke 14 -- A New Take On These Parables

In the parable of the banquet, Jesus tells about a host who’d invited friends to a banquet, and they had all accepted the invitation.  But on the day of the banquet, they presented flimsy excuses for not attending.

My new commentary said”  “People today make the same mistake that people in the parable made:  They delay in responding to the invitation because they settle for second best … if good things keep you from enjoying the best things, then they become bad things.”

“Jesus seems to make a distinction between salvation and discipleship.  Salvation is open to all who will come by faith, while discipleship means carrying the cross and following Jesus Christ,” it also said.  The commentary pointed out that in the parables about the man building the tower and the king fighting the war, we usually think of ourselves as the central figure, counting the cost of discipleship.  But Campbell Morgan said that the builder and the king represent not the believer but Jesus Christ.  He is the one who must count the cost to see whether we are the kind of material He can use to build the church and battle the enemy.  He cannot get the job done with halfhearted followers who will not pay the price,” it said.

Wow!  Such a fresh way to look at it all.  Father, let this sink deep into my heart, and help me to be the kind of person You can use to build Your kingdom.

Your Brother In Christ,

Gary Ford

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