We are so used to hearing about the 12 disciples, but we
hardly ever hear about the 36 pairs of disciples Jesus sent out ahead of Himself. He told them to do something that we today
think very little of. They were to bless the homes they stayed in simply
by saying, “Peace be with this house.”
It was His command that they do this.
One of two outcomes would occur:
Either the people living there would be blessed with peace, or the disciples would be blessed with peace
in a home that wasn’t peaceful. Who knows
what power our words might have today to impart peace just like this!
In one of the homes He chose to stay in, Jesus met Mary and
Martha. Mary sat a Jesus’ feet,
listening to Him teach. Martha busied
herself with meal preparation, cleaning up, and being a hostess. When she complained that Mary wasn’t helping,
Jesus encouraged here never to be too busy to hear His words. Today, that tells me to never be too busy to
have a quiet time.
Likewise, the expert on the law asked Jesus who his neighbor was. Jesus told the story of the good Samaritan,
then asked him, “Who was a neighbor
to the man?” The man answered, “The one
who showed him mercy.” The Jewish priest and the Levite in the story
were too busy staying ritually clean for their jobs to stop and help the
injured man.
We can always find reasons to be too busy for God, but Jesus
said to throw those reasons out the door and simply do what needs to be done when God places an opportunity before
us. Otherwise, we miss out on a ministry opportunity and a blessing.
Father, thank You for showing me over the past week that
simply being there for my mom is a way of ministering to her in Your name. Help me to see those You place in my path who need a touch, a hug, or a word.
Let me be Jesus’ hands and
feet on this earth.
Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford
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