“Tell the believers to do these things so that no one can
criticize them … Then no enemy will have any reason to criticize them … So that
no one will speak against God’s name and our teaching …”
Paul knew that
the world was just looking for ways
to criticize Christians and the church.
It’s still that way today.
The world condemns Christians for the very thing non-Christians are best at! Paul tells us to take the high road. Give no one any ammunition to use against
us. He tells Timothy: “But you, man of God, run away from all those
things .. Instead, live in the right way, serve God, have faith, love,
patience, and gentleness. Fight the good
fight of faith, grabbing hold of the life that continues forever. You were called
to have that life … Do what you were
commanded to do without wrong or blame … Guard what God has trusted to
you. Stay away from foolish, useless
talk, and from the arguments of what is falsely called knowledge. By saying they
have that knowledge, some have missed the true faith.”
Our efforts at living a life above reproach are not just for the protection of
Christianity’s good name. God called us to a better life. He’s the One who knows what it offers for us.
Who are we to argue?
Father, thank You for these reminders. As I’ve watched the political races lately, I
think of how differently the whole thing would look if Your wisdom were followed.
Help me to make Your wisdom
here an everyday part of my life.
Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford