Thursday, June 7, 2012

Psalm 119 -- LOTS of Margin Notes

I have more margin notes written in this chapter than probably any other in my Bible.  Those notes said a lot to me this morning.  It would take too long to write the verses AND the notes, so check them out for yourself!

Verse                    Margin Note:

1-2          A recipe for happiness

4              Obedience is not an option or a suggestion

5-6          Missing the mark and hating it

7              Our instinct is to not believe this.  It must be learned

14           Real happiness, not a lack of freedom, but life as it was meant to be lived

16           It takes effort because sin tries to make us forget

18-19     A prayer to remove my spiritual blindness

20           A proper hunger for something of great value

28-29     When we’re sad and tired, we’re most susceptible to breaking His rules

34           Make sure I buy into His teachings fully

36           Give me a desire that I don’t naturally have

40           But sometimes “wanting” isn’t enough

52           Like a horse gets comfortable with a saddle and a familiar rider

59-60     He made the correct choice and didn’t hesitate to start

96           There’s never a point where they don’t apply

115         Don’t hang around people who might cause you to fall

120         A healthy understanding of just who God is

176         Even though we stray, He comes looking for us

That’s just a sampling.

Father, thank You for these reminders.  They were just what I needed to hear this morning.

Your Brother In Christ,

Gary Ford

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