Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Numbers 2 -- Who's In Front?

God gave instructions for organizing the people by family groups around the Meeting Tent containing the Ark of the Covenant.  The tribe of Judah was always the first tribe to march out, following the pillar of fire or the cloud representing God’s presence and guidance when it began to move.  Even while on the go, the Meeting Tent was in the middle of the tribes, it sounds like.  I’d always thought that the Ark led the way.  I suppose that was Hollywood.

Looking at it from God’s perspective above, it seems to describe a clock face or a bulls-eye when they camped, with the Meeting Tent right in the center of life for these people, as it certainly should be.  While camped, no tribe had another tribe in between themselves and the Meeting Tent, except for the presence of the Levites to move and care for the Tent and the Ark.

Father, too many times I feel that I try to face life with You behind me, backing me up as it were, rather than before me as my shield and protection and guide.  Perhaps the tribe of Ephraim then had the best view, always seeing the Tent and ark directly in front of them.  Help me to crave a view like that always.

Your Brother In Christ,

Gary Ford

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