Friday, March 2, 2012

2 Chronicles 7-9 -- God Hears And Responds

Solomon properly dedicated the new Temple to God, and God responded by sending fire down from Heaven to consume the offerings, while the Lord’s glory filled the Temple.  This reaffirmed God’s covenant with Israel, causing them to worship in words and songs:  “Give thanks to the Lord for He is good!  His love endures forever!”

Later that night, the Lord appeared to Solomon, promising blessings and curses for dedication or apostasy respectively.  Verse 14 is pivotal:

“Then if My people, who are called by My name, are sorry for what they have done, if they pray and obey Me and stop their evil ways, I will hear them from heaven.  I will forgive their sin, and I will heal their land.”

The underlying cry from Solomon’s long prayer the day before had been heard and answered by the Lord their God.

Father, I thank You for hearing my prayers and for answering them as well.  God, Your love is amazing – to care for us despite our sin  and to want to cleanse us and love us anyway!  Thank You for giving us worth solely because You love us, even when we do not in any way deserve it!

Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

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