Tuesday, March 13, 2012

2 Chronicles 21-23 The Downward Spiral Slows

Jehoshaphat's death signaled a dramatic change in Judah.  His oldest son Jehoram became king at age 32 and killed all of his brothers.  He then married the daughter of evil King Ahab of Israel.  Several territories broke away from Judah and it's power diminished.

Ignoring all the signs that sin was ruining the nation, Jehoram began to erect places to worship the gods on the hills of Judah.  "He LED the people of Jerusalem to SIN, and he LED the people of Judah away from the Lord."  The king over God's chosen people was LEADING them at SINNING!  So through Elijah, God promised Jehoram that he'd pay for his apostasy.  The Philistines and Arabs attacked, carrying away the riches of Judah and Jehoram's sons and wives.  Just as Elijah had said, Jehoram died a painful death from an intestinal disease.

Jehoram's youngest son Ahaziah had escaped capture and ruled for only a year.  His reign was also evil and bears little mention.  He died at the hands of Jehu, who was murdering the king of Israel at the same time.

His mother was so infuriated that she murdered the rest of the ruling family, except for his son Joash, who was hidden in the Temple for six years.

The people, particularly the priests and Levites, had had enough of evil rulers.  Together they arranged protection for Joash and publicly anointed him king.  They then captured Ahaziah's mother and put her to death.

Politics too often tries to get in the way of God's will.  Change can be so tempting, yet when it is not part of God's plan, it can NEVER be good.  Eventually, the people come to see that, and they find that only in returning to God can their nation be restored.

Father God, how we NEED Your intervention in OUR nation today, just as You intervened back then.  Cause the people to tire of where they find themselves, and draw them near to You.  Please give us another opportunity to restore THIS nation that YOU ordained so many years ago.
Your Brother In Christ,

Gary Ford

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