Monday, February 14, 2011

John 19 -- From A Quite Different Point Of View

As I read of the beating and crucifixion of Jesus, my mind recalled scenes from the movie The Passion Of The Christ and also scenes from our church’s Easter pageant Living Pictures.  For many years I was cast in the role of Christ, carrying the cross in, being “nailed” to it and being lifted up.  I can remember seeing the looks on the faces of people in the audience whom I did not know, and hearing the sobs coming from men and women alike. 

But something I read this morning really got to me like nothing has before:  “When Jesus say His mother … He said, “Dear woman, here is your son.”  Joseph wasn’t there.  Legend has it that he had already died before Jesus’ public ministry began.  Scriptures tell us nothing.  Both Jesus’ adopted father, Joseph, and His actual Father, God, must have been watching the scene from heaven.  So in my case, rather than seeing myself on the cross, as I so often remember in those pageants, I suddenly was struck with the thought of my firstborn son on that cross.  I thought of the agony in my soul of seeing him beaten and tortured, knowing the pain he would have been enduring, and being totally unable to help him.  My soul was filled with agony and grief.  Such hurt that would have been for Joseph and Mary, had he been there in the flesh.  My heart broke just thinking about it.

Father, I cannot imagine what it must have been like for You to have held back and watched as Your Son was murdered by men.  How Your heart must have broken, even knowing that You would raise Him up again!  I cannot fathom the love You had for me that would cause You to allow this to happen so that my sins could be forgiven.  I don’t know that I could have done it, Father.  But thank You anyway!  What my sins cost You, Father, and Your Son!

Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

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