Monday, December 16, 2019

1 Corinthians 1 -- The Church Was Having Issues

Oftentimes, new believers especially will be thrilled with their decision to follow Christ, but won't delve deeply to discover their calling.  My commentary said that the church at Corinth, made up primarily of new believers, became a defiled church, a divided church, and a disgraced church.  "Instead of glorifying God, it was hindering the progress of the gospel."

Paul spoke to them and to us about our calling as Christians.  First, he said we were called to be holy -- set apart by God, enriched by His grace, expecting Jesus' return, and depending on God's faithfulness.  Yet the believers in Corinth were getting involved in the sins of the world and the flesh.

He said we are called to fellowship, not division.  We aren't supposed to be following human leaders, but Christ.  Also, they were looking at the gospel from a philosophical point of view, seeking earthly wisdom.  The point was that no one but Christ was crucified for us.

We are also called to glorify God, not ourselves, which is the sin of pride.  Paul reminded them of what they were before being saved, of why God called them, and of all they had in Jesus Christ.  "Since every believer is in Christ, and he has all that h needs, why compete with each other or compare ourselves with each other?"  Paul will have more to tell them.

Father, help the believers in our church to be one in Christ, looking only to Him, and remind us of whose we are.

Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

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