Thursday, October 17, 2019

John 16:1-15 The Holy Spirit's Job

esus continued to tell His disciples about the Holy Spirit, who would personally empower them once He returned to Heaven.

My commentary summarized what Jesus was telling them here:

-- We are identified with Christ
-- We do not belong to the world
-- The world is spiritually ignorant and blind
-- The world will not be honest about its own sin
-- The Holy Spirit empowers us for life and witness, while the ascended Savior intercedes for us at the heavenly throne of grace
-- The Holy Spirit is the prosecuting attorney, bringing to light the evidence against the world as to their belief in Christ; however, the purpose of this indictment is not to condemn but to bring salvation
-- The world's one particular sin is unbelief, which condemns the lost sinner
-- The Spirit, as Teacher, guides the church

We would be wrong to think that we have been left here alone until Christ returns.  Through the Spirit, we each receive what Jesus has for us as we never could while He was on earth, because now people all over the earth can experience Him at the same time.

Please continue to empower and teach me through the Holy Spirit, Father.
Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

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