Thursday, September 12, 2019

John 12:1-19 Starting The Last Week

Jesus' enemies were now actively seeking to find Him and kill Him, yet He returned to Bethany to His friends prior to the events that would lead to His death on the cross. 

The story of Mary anointing Jesus' head and feet is often confused with the story in Luke 7:36-50 where "a former harlot anointed Jesus in the house of Simon the Pharisee.  Mary was a virtuous woman, and she anointed Jesus in the house of Simon the (former) leper.  The story in Luke 7 took place in Galilee, while this account ... occurred in Judah."

Mary's anointing was done out of pure love.  She knew He was about to endure suffering and death, because she'd listened at His feet as He told His disciples what would happen.  She was not one of the women who went to the tomb to anoint His body.  She was showing her devotion before it was too late.

"She was misunderstood and criticized, but that is what usually happens when somebody gives his or her best to the Lord," my commentary said.  It started with Judas, who served as the group's treasurer and often stole money from the group.

Mary's family serves as examples for us in how people worship Christ in different ways, my commentary added.  Martha served through work, Mary served through worship, and Lazarus served through witness.

Following this story came "the only public demonstration that our Lord allowed while He was ministering on earth" -- the triumphal entry into Jerusalem.  "His purpose was to fulfill Old Testament prophecy (Zech. 9:9) ... It was part of His obedience to the Father's will."

While the crowds were cheering Him on, probably thinking they were about to overthrow Roman oppression, Jesus was weeping!  "He saw what lay ahead for the nation -- wars, suffering, destruction, and a scattered people ... Jesus was forcing their hand so that the Sanhedrin would act during the feast.  The Lamb of God had to give His life when the Passover lambs were being slain."

Father, I don't know how Your Son, as a man, walked forward into His death.  But I'm so thankful that as Your Son, He was "obedient unto death" for my own salvation and for the salvation of everyone in the world who would accept His sacrifice on their behalf.

Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

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