Paul had earlier said, "Bear one another's burdens." He now fills us in on how he means for us to do that.
"The legalist is not interested in bearing burdens. Instead, he adds tot he burdens of others ... The legalist is always harder on other people than he is on himself, but Spirit=led Christian demands more of himself than he does of others that he might be able to help others."
"We should use tender loving care when we seek to restore a broken life [of a brother who has sinned]. It takes a great deal of love and courage for us to approach an erring brother and seek to help him."
"Jesus went on to point out that the church must practice prayer and forgiveness, or discipline will not be effective," when approaching a brother or sister who has sinned yet doesn't seem interested in being restored.
"We should help each other bear the heavy burdens of life, but there are personal responsibilities that each man must bear for himself." No one should expect the church and its members to do everything for them.
The Greek word koinonia shows up here. "It simply means to have in common, and refers to our common fellowship in Christ, our common faith, and even our sharing in the sufferings of Christ. But often in the New Testament, koinonia refers to the sharing of material blessings with one another ... What we do with material things is an evidence of how we value spiritual things."
"Money sown to the flesh will bring a harvest of corruption. That money is gone, and can never be reclaimed. Money sown to the Spirit will produce life, and in that harvest will be seeds that can be planted again for another harvest, and on and on into eternity. If every believer only looked on his material wealth as seed, and planted it properly, there would be no lack in the work of the Lord. Sad to say, much seed is wasted on carnal things and can never bring glory to God."
"We must remember that we share with other Christians so that all of us might be able to share with a needy world. The Christian in the household of faith is a receiver that he might become a transmitter."
Father, thank You for recent reminders about helping other Christians and also helping others who are not, but whom You want to reach through me.
Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford
Gary Ford
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