"No man could become a rebel who 1) depends on God's grace; 2) yields to God's Spirit; 3) lives for others, and 4) seeks to glorify God," my commentary began. After reading all seven pages on this one chapter, it seems that if we don't do one or more of these, then we are susceptible to becoming a Christian who is a rebel. That isn't good. A lot to boil down today. Here are the highlights:
1) "We no longer need the external force of the law to keep us in God's will, because we have the internal leading of the Holy Spirit of God."
2) We weren't left partially empowered. "Once a person is in Christ, he has all that he needs to live the kind of Christian life God wants him to live."
3) "No amount of obedience can make up for one act of disobedience."
4) "No amount of legislation can change man's basic sinful nature. It is not law on the outside, but love on the inside that makes the difference. We need another power within, and that power comes from the Holy Spirit of God."
5) "What God the Father planned for you, and God the Son purchased for you on the cross, God the Spirit personalizes for you and applies to your life as you yield to Him."
6) "The Christian is free from the guilt of sin because he has experienced God's forgiveness. He is free from the penalty of sin because Christ died for him on the cross. And he is, through the Spirit, free from the power of sin in his daily life ... Don't allow your liberty to degenerate into license ... Christian liberty is not a license to sin but an opportunity to serve."
7) "The amazing thing about love is that it takes the place of all the laws God ever gave. 'Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself' solves every problem in human relations ... Love in the heart is God's substitute for laws and threats ... The Holy Spirit within us gives us the love that we need ... Unless the Holy Spirit of God is permitted to fill hearts with His love, selfishness and competition will reign."
8) "The Spirit and the flesh (the old nature) are at war with each other. By the flesh, of course, Paul did not mean the body. The human body is not sinful; it is neutral. If the Holy Spirit controls the body, then we walk in the Spirit; but if the flesh (the old nature) controls the body, then we walk in the lusts (desires) of the flesh (the old nature). The Spirit and the flesh have different appetites, and this is what creates the conflict."
9) "Our old nature is always looking for something unclean on which to feed. Our new nature is yearning for that which is clean and holy. No wonder a struggle goes on within the life of the believer! ... We cannot win this victory in our own strength and by our own will."
10) "The solution is not to pit our will against the flesh, but to surrender our will to the Holy Spirit ... The Holy Spirit writes God's law on our hearts so that we desire to obey Him in love ... Being led of the Spirit and walking in the Spirit are the opposite of yielding to the desires of the flesh."
11) Paul lists three different categories of sins and gives examples of each, then says that the person who practices these sins shall not inherit the kingdom of God. "Paul is not talking about an act of sin, but a habit of sin ... But how does the believer handle the old nature when it is capable of producing such horrible sins? ... The old nature must be crucified ...Christ died for me to remove the penalty of sin, but I died with Christ to break sin's power."
12) We must accept what god says about the old nature and not try to make it something that it is not. We must not make provision for the flesh by feeding it the things that it enjoys ... Only through the Holy Spirit can we put to death the deeds that the flesh would do through our bodies. The Holy Spirit is not only the Spirit of life, but He is also the Spirit of death. He helps us to reckon ourselves dead to sin."
13) "It is one thing to overcome the flesh and not do evil things, but quite something else to do good things ... Negative goodness is not enough in a life; there must be positive qualities as well."
14) "A machine in a factory works and turns out a product, but it could never manufacture fruit. Fruit must grow out of life and, in the case of the believer, it is the life of the Spirit."
15) "Building Christian character must take precedence over displaying special abilities."
16) The fruits of the Spirit are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control ... "We must remember that this fruit is produced to be eaten, not to be admired and put on display. People around us are starving for love, joy, peace, and all the other graces of the Spirit. When they find them in our lives, they know that we have something they lack. We do not bear fruit for our own consumption; we bear fruit that others might be fed and helped, and that Christ might be glorified ... The flesh cannot bear fruit that brings glory to God ... the secret is the Holy Spirit. He alone can give us freedom from sin and self. He enables us to fulfill the law of love, to overcome the flesh, and to bear fruit."
Father, thank You for reminding me again to listen to the Holy Spirit and to let Him continue to grow me more like Christ. Help me crucify my old nature.
Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford