Thursday, January 31, 2019

Exodus 13:1-16 Instituting Redemption of Firstborn Males

God took time to establish a new law regarding the firstborn males, whether human or farm animals:  "Give every firstborn male to Me.  Every firstborn male among the Israelites belongs to Me, whether man or animal."

My commentary says, "Each time a firstborn male, man or beast, came into the world, that firstborn issue had to be redeemed.  Because of God's mighty acts in protecting and redeeming His people and saving the firstborn of humans and livestock from death (during the night of the first Passover), all the firstborn belonged to God.  They were sanctified, that is, set apart for God's exclusive possession."

Moses would later give them instructions about how parents/farmers were to "get back" their firstborn in Lev. 12 and Numbers 18:14-19.  That act of redemption would be explained to the son and would pass on the legacy of the exit from Egypt to a new generation.  Because God was saving the Israelites, the firstborn redemption sacrifice did not apply to other nations.

Father, still I am thankful that I was a firstborn and that You redeemed me through the blood of Your Firstborn.  Thank You for adopting me into Your family!
Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

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