Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Matthew 19:1-15 Divorce

"The religious leaders had already tried to ensnare Jesus with questions about the Sabbath ... and they'd failed.  They tried again, this time with a most controversial issue -- divorce," my commentary began.  "Instead of going back to Deuteronomy, Jesus went back to Genesis."  We can find there God's original design and intention for men and women.  Divorce laws wouldn't be needed if it were followed.

It's amazing to hear this:  "The only thing that was not good about creation was the fact that the man was alone.  The woman was created to meet this need ... Marriage makes possible the continuation of the species ... From the beginning, it was God's command that sex be practiced in the commitment of marriage.  Outside of marriage, sex becomes a destructive force, but within the loving commitment of marriage, sex can be creative and constructive," it continued.

"The Pharisees were not interested in discovering truth.  They were interested only in defending themselves and what they believed.  This was why they asked about the Jewish law of divorce in Deut. 24:1-4.  Moses gave only one commandment:  The divorced wife could not return to her first husband if she was put away by a second husband.  Moses did not command divorce; he permitted it."

"The divorce that Moses permitted in Deut 24 actually severed the original marriage relationship.  God permitted the woman to marry again, and her second marriage was not considered adulterous.  The second man she married was called a husband and not an adulterer ... This means that scriptural divorce does sever the marriage relationship.  Man cannot break the relationship by his laws, but God can break it ... Jesus made it clear that this Mosaic law was a concession on God's part ... Rather than having two people living together in constant conflict, with one or both of them seeking fulfillment elsewhere and thus commit sin, God permitted divorce.  This divorce included the right to remarriage.

Father, I pray for my friends who have gone through this.  Help them to know Your heart and Your love for them, and draw them closer to You!

Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

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