Friday, June 22, 2018

Acts 26 -- Paul's Hearing, and mine, too.

Paul didn't rant about his treatment.  Instead, he simply told his story:

"I lived a Pharisee...
I saw a light ...
I heard a voice ...
I was not disobedient...
I continue unto this day..." my commentary said.

"We must remind ourselves that Paul and the other apostles did not have the New Testament, but used the Old Testament to lead sinners to Christ and to nurture the new believers ... He simply shared with others what he had learned and experienced as a follower of Jesus Christ."  That's all it takes!

Something else I read really brought back memories:

"Jesus Christ spoke to Paul in the familiar Aramaic tongue of the Jews, called him by name, and told him it was futile for him to continue fighting the Lord."  I remember getting that same message, and like a tired kid, I gave in and gave up, and I've never regretted it for a moment.  Have you reached that point?  It's crazy to keep fighting a battle you'll never win just because.

Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

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