Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Acts 9:1-19 Saul Gets "Arrested"

Saul of Tarsus met Christ on the road to Damascus, "thinking he was doing God a service by persecuting the church.  But Saul was spiritually blind and did not understand what the Old Testament really taught about the Messiah ... He discovered to his surprise that Jesus of Nazareth was actually alive! ... Paul also discovered that he was a lost sinner who was in danger of the judgment of God ... Saul thought he'd be serving God, when in reality he had been persecuting the Messiah! ... All of his values changed.  He was a new person because he trusted Jesus Christ," my commentary said.

After meeting Christ, Saul then was to meet Ananias.  "Ananias was available to do God's will, but he certainly was not anxious to obey!  The fact that Saul was praying instead of preying should have encouraged Ananias ... Instead of trusting himself, Saul was now trusting the Lord and waiting for Him to show him what to do ... Saul had already seen a vision of a man named Ananias coming to minister to him, so how could Ananias refuse to obey?"

"Once convinced, Ananias lost no time going to the house of Judas and ministering to the waiting Saul.  The fact that he called him brother must have brought joy to the heart of the blinded Pharisee.  Saul not only heard Ananias' voice, but he felt his hands.  By the power of God, his eyes were opened and he could see! ... God can use even the most obscure saint ... We should never be afraid to obey God's will ... Remember that He is working at both ends of the line ...We must never unerestimate the value of one person brought to Christ."

Remind me often, Father, and help me to trust You and not hesitate.
Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

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