Monday, March 26, 2018

Acts 8:9-25 Satan's Counterfeits

The next of four men discussed in this chapter is Simon the sorcerer, who my commentary calls "a clever deceiver".  He comes into the picture due to "a basic principle in Scripture -- wherever God sows His true believers, Satan will eventually sow his counterfeits."

"The people were amazed at the things that Simon did and, therefore, they believed the tings that he said.  They considered him the great power of God.  Simon's sorcery was energized by Satan and was used to magnify himself, while Philip's miracles were empowered by God and were used to glorify Christ."

"The wickedness of Simon's heart was fully revealed by the ministry of the two apostles.  Simon not only wanted to perform miracles, but he also wanted the power to convey the gift of the Holy Spirit to others -- and he was quite willing to pay for this power!"

"Peter's words to Simon give every indication that the sorcerer was not a converted man ... his heart was not right before God.  While it is not out of place for believers to repent, the command to repent is usually given to unbelievers ... There is no evidence that he repented and sought forgiveness.  A sinner who wants the prayers of others but who will not pray himself is not going to enter God's kingdom."

"Simon heard the gospel, saw the miracles, gave a profession of faith in Christ, and was baptized, and yet he was never born again.  He was one of Satan's clever counterfeits, and, had Peter not exposed the wickedness of his heart, Simon would have been accepted as a member of the Samaritan congregation."

Father, help us to have discernment like You gave Peter.  Keep counterfeits away from our congregation and help us to be one in You.
Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

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