Thursday, February 1, 2018

Acts 2:14-41 Peter Explains What's Happening

My commentary noted three explanations in Peter's sermon.  

"He explained what happened:  the Spirit had come.  The joyful worship of the believers ... was the evidence of the arrival of God's Holy Spirit to dwell in His people ... the Jews thought God's Spirit was given only to a few select people.  But here were 120 of their fellow Jews, men and women, enjoying the blessing of the same Holy Spirit that had empowered Moses, David, and the prophets."

"He explained how it happened:  Jesus was ALIVE ... Jesus of Nazareth had indeed been raised from the dead, and the resurrection proves that He is the Messiah."

"He explained why it happened:  to save sinners.  The Holy Spirit took Peter's message and used it to convict the hearts of the listeners.  After all, if they were guilty of crucifying their Messiah, what might God do to them!  Peter told them how to be saved:  they had to repent of their sins and believe on Jesus Christ."

What amazed me was Peter's boldness and his ability to quote from the prophet Joel, linking immediately what Joel had predicted to what was happening there at that time!  The Holy Spirit was certainly at work!

Father, I've let the cares of this world cause me to not listen as well as I once did.  I still hear You, but I need to regain the fervor I once felt.  As it says here, please increase the fullness of the Spirit in me!
Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

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