Friday, January 12, 2018

Romans 15:8-13 Jesus' Ministry & Paul's Ministry

"The supreme example of ministry must always be Jesus Christ."  If we try to compare ourselves to others instead, we will be subject to pride and we will fall far short of what God has planned for us," my commentary began.

Jesus' ministry had been first to the Jews, and now Paul shows how it applies to the Gentiles as well.  My commentary mentioned "a beautiful progression" Paul quoted in verses 9-12:

First, the Jews glorify God among the Gentiles.

Then, the Gentiles rejoice with the Jews.

Next, All the Jews and Gentiles together praise God.

Finally, Christ shall reign over Jews and Gentiles.

My commentary also believes that verse 8 covers the period of the Gospels and Acts 1-7.  Verse 9 describes Paul's ministry to the Gentiles.  Verse 10 could be applied to the church council in Acts 15 when the Gentiles were given equal status 'with His people.'  And today, Jews and Gentiles in the church are praising God together.

Father, thank You for providing hope for me, too.  I had no hope, but You stooped down and gave it to me when Your Son died on the cross for me!
Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

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