Friday, August 11, 2017

Judges 7 -- Overcoming Unbelief

"Christians are either overcome because of their unbelief or overcomers because of their faith.  Faith doesn't depend on how we feel, what we see, or what may happen," my commentary began.  It listed three important principles about faith:

"God tests our faith, God encourages our faith, and God honors our faith." 

It also contained a warning:  "Faith is like a toothbrush:  Everyone should have one and use it regularly, but it isn't safe to use somebody else's."

"God tests our faith for at least two reasons:  first, to show us whether our faith is real or counterfeit, and second, to strengthen our faith for the tasks."

God sifted Gideon's 32,000 man army down to 300 men.  "Victories won because of faith bring glory to God because nobody can explain how they happened.  If you can explain what's going on in your ministry, then God didn't do it."

"We never know when God is testing us in some ordinary experience of life."  Here, then men had no clue that the test had anything to do with how they drank water!

"Make every occasion a great occasion, for you can never tell when somebody may be taking your measure for a larger place."

"How grateful we should be that God understands us and doesn't condemn us because we have doubts and fears ... God remembers that we're only dust."

When Gideon and his servant heard the enemy soldier's dream and the other soldier's interpretation of it, the first thing Gideon did was worship God.  "He was so overwhelmed by the Lord's goodness and mercy that he fell on his face in submission and gratitude ... It's a good practice for us to follow today.  Before we can be successful warriors, we must first become sincere worshipers."

"When leaders depend on their education, skill, and experience rather than in God, then God abandons them and looks for a Gideon.  The important thing is for us to be available for God to use just as He sees fit."

Father, keep me humble and dependent upon You.  I want to remain available for Your use.
Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

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