Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Colossians 3:18-4:1 God's Word For Family Members

Paul speaks to Christian family members in this section, as well as to Christian employers and employees.  When he uses the word submission, it's almost a natural, human tendency to flinch, because sin causes us not to want to submit to anyone.  My commentary explained that the Greek word was a military term.  It does not imply that one person is "better than the other.  It only means that they have different ranks ... The man has the responsibility of headship and leadership in the home.  Headship is not dictatorship or lordship.  It is loving leadership.  In fact, both the husband and the wife must be submitted to the Lord and to each other (Eph 5:21)  It is a mutual respect, under the Lordship of Jesus Christ."

"The husband has the responsibility of loving his wife, and the word for love used here is agape -- the sacrificing, serving love that Christ shares with his church ... Paul added a special word of warning for the husband:  'And be not bitter against them.'  Husbands must be careful not to harbor ill will toward their wives because of something they did or did not do.  A root of bitterness in a home can poison the marriage relationship and give Satan a foothold."

Moving to the parent-child relationship, Paul emphasized that "the child who does not learn to obey his parents is not likely to grow up obeying any authority ... The measure of a child's obedience is all things, and the motive is to please the Lord ... Parents must make it as easy as possible for children to obey.  'Provoke not your children' is a commandment to parents ... Discouraged children are fair prey for Satan and the world."

Today, we read the section on slavery as having to do with employer-employee relations, and my commentary says, "A Christian servant owed complete obedience to his master as a ministry to the Lord ... If anything, the servant strived to do a better job because he was a Christian.  He ought to serve Christ and not the boss only, and he ought to work whether anybody is watching or not ... Paul admonished the Christian masters to treat their servants with fairness and honesty."

"We see once again the preeminence of Jesus Christ in our lives as believers.  Christ must be the head of the home ... It is by His power and authority that we should live in our daily relationships.  If He is the preeminent One in our lives, then we will love each other, submit to each other, obey and treat one another fairly in the Lord."

Father God, please restore these principles in the hearts and lives of my sons.  Help them to want to obey You and raise them up to be men after Your own heart.

Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

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