Tuesday, August 2, 2016

2 Timothy 4 -- Three Admonitions

In his last words to Timothy, Paul gave him three final admonitions and included the reasons behind them, my commentary said.

First, preach the Word.  “Both Paul and Timothy would be judged one day when Jesus Christ appeared … one day we will face God and our works will be judged … He should afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted.  If there is conviction but not remedy, we add to people’s burdens.  And if we encourage those who ought to be rebuked, we are assisting them to sin.  Biblical preaching must be balanced.”

Second, fulfill your ministry.  “Fulfill whatever God wants you to do … No God-directed ministry is small or unimportant … We do not measure the fulfillment of a ministry only on the basis of statistics or what people see.  We realize that faithfulness is important and that God sees the heart … Timothy would have to endure afflictions …  most of Timothy’s sufferings would come from the religious crowd.

Third, be diligent and faithful.  “For a Christian there are things even more dangerous than suffering and death.  Sin, for example.  This is what Paul had in mind.  He was confident that the Lord would deliver him from every evil work and take him to the heavenly kingdom.  Paul’s greatest fear was not of death; it was that he might deny his Lord or do something else that would disgrace God’s name … You and I must be faithful so that future generations may hear the gospel and have the opportunity to be saved.”

Father, it has certainly seemed that the opportunities to fulfill the ministry You’ve given me have been hampered by others.  Yet You know my heart.  Please encourage me to keep going even as Paul encouraged Timothy.  Work through me to do Your will.

Your Brother In Christ,

Gary Ford

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