“Jesus assumed that anybody who lived for eternal values
would get into trouble with the world’s crowd … Sinners show their hatred by
avoiding us or rejecting us, insulting us, physically abusing us, and suing
us. This is something we must expect … We must love the, do them good, and pray for them. Hatred only breeds more hatred, for man’s anger does not bring about the righteousness
that God desires.”
“We must treat others as we would want to be treated … and we must imitate our Father in heaven and be merciful. The important
thing is not that we are vindicated before our enemies but that we become more
like God in our character.”
Verses 39-45 teach us much about ministry, my commentary
said. “If we see ourselves as excellent
guides, but do not realize our blindness, we will only lead people into the
ditch… We cannot lead others where we have not
been ourselves … The more we strive to be like
Him, the more we realize how short we fall.
This is a warning against pride, for nothing blinds a person like pride.”
“We have to be honest with ourselves and not become
hypocrites. It’s easy to try to help a
brother with his faults, just so we
can cover up our own sins!”
“Fruit is always true to character … a good person produces
good fruit, not evil. Believers do sin, but the witness of their words
and works is consistently good to the glory of God.”
“What comes out of the lips depends on what is inside the
heart … We must be honest with ourselves and admit the blind spots in our lives, the obstacles that blur our
vision, and the areas within that must be corrected. Then
we can be used of the Lord to minister to others and not lead them astray … We
may have our faults and failures, but the steady witness of our lives will
point to Christ and honor Him.”
Father, thank You for these ministry reminders. Keep me keenly aware that You hold those who
teach to a higher standard.
Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford
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