Jeremiah’s descriptions of the results of the siege and fall
of Jerusalem are frightening:
The people of Israel had been described as precious in the
sight of the Lord, like gold and jewels.
But their sins had caused them to lose that beauty. “Nobody
was ever made better, more attractive, or more valuable because they sinned,”
my commentary said.
People longed for a quick end to their misery, rather than
having to endure the long siege and the starvation that resulted. Sodom and Gomorrah’s residents had died in an
instant. “Israel’s sins, though, were greater, because Israel had seen the glory of God, been given His holy law and had entered into
covenant with Him. Privileges
always bring responsibilities.”
“Because they rejected the light of God’s law, the people
were defiled and unable to see the truth,” my commentary said.
When we spit in God’s face, distrust Him, and decide to live
our lives in total opposition to Him and His Word, as the people of Judah had
done, we can expect God to make life
unbearable as He works in love to bring us back to Him.
Father, I remember moving away from You as I went to college
and in the years that followed, thinking that I had it all figured out and that
You were wrong. To this day, I still
thank You for loving me enough to not let me go my own way! Thanks for bringing me back to You!
Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford
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