Wednesday, September 9, 2015

2 Chronicles 31-32 Becoming Lost In Worship As God Handles The Trials Of Life

After the Passover celebration, the people spread out from Jerusalem, ridding the countryside of anything used to worship idols.  My commentary said, “It’s one thing to have an exciting time praising God in a two-week meeting, but it’s quite something else to return home afterward and live like people who have met the Lord … Hezekiah sought the Lord and did everything for Him from his heart … Hezekiah also admonished the people to bring their tithes and offerings to the temple … the tithes and offerings brought to the newly consecrated temple were far more than the king expected.  A worshipping people will always be a generous people, especially when their leaders set the example …”

Hezekiah did suffer from pride and more than once it caused problems.  God sent a sickness that humbled Hezekiah.  My commentary said, “God disciplines us because He loves us and wants to prevent us from disobeying Him and losing His blessing.  Chastening isn’t the work of a stern judge as he punishes a criminal.  It’s the ministry of a loving father as he seeks to bring out the very best in his children, for the Father wants us to be conformed to the image of His Son.”

Hezekiah also faced an Assyrian invasion.  He prayed to God for deliverance rather than running to Egypt for help.  According to my commentary, “When we allow God to have His way, the trials of life work for us and not against us, and they bring great glory to the Lord.”  That’s what Hezekiah discovered … “Hezekiah was lost in worship as he realized the greatness of the Lord, the only true God.  This is a good example to follow when we pray about life’s problems.  When we focus of the Lord and see how great He is, it helps to put our own problems in perspective.”

Father, please help me to spread my problems before You and to ask You to solve them rather than simply attacking them myself.  I want You to get the glory.  Help me to be lost in worship and to realize the greatness of You, my Lord and God, as You handle easily the trials of my life.

Your Brother In Christ,

Gary Ford

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