Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Revelation 10 -- The Mighty Angel

A mighty angel coming down from heaven caught John’s attention.  Although it doesn’t directly say it, the descriptions offered sound so much like Jesus Christ.  The rainbow around his head, according to my commentary, indicates what it did in Genesis – that “Even in wrath, God remembers His mercy.”  We also read of a face like the sun and a voice like a lion.

John was given a little book and told to eat it.  My commentary said, “This should remind us of our responsibility to assimilate the Word of God and make it a part of the inner man.  It is not enough for John to see the book or even know its contents and purpose.  He had to receive it into his inner being … God will not thrust His Word into our mouths and force us to receive it.  He hands it to us and we must take it.  Nor can He change the effects the Word will have in our lives; there will be both sorrow and joy, bitterness and sweetness … The faithful minister will declare all of God’s counsel.  He will not dilute the message of God simply to please his listeners.”

Father, even when Your Word calls me out for sinning, it is sweet to hear, and it helps me to know in my heart that You care what I do and want me to live an abundant life by obeying You.  Help me to take into my heart what I hear and read, and to make it a part of my entire being.  Use it to shine light on my sin and to help me rid sin from my life.  Thank You for speaking to me, Father.  I remember all too well those years when I seemed to never hear from You.  You used that silence to get my attention.

Your Brother In Christ,

Gary Ford

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