Monday, March 2, 2015

Genesis 30 -- When A Win Is Not A Win

It’s sad listening to the conversations in this chapter and seeing the two sisters actually thinking they are winning over each other after giving their slave-girls to Jacob to produce children on their own behalf.  It wasn’t winning at all, but losing.  I saw the very same thing happening with my younger son.  He’s at that pivotal age where he believes he can now do anything he wants and particularly sees rebellion as a win on his part as he breaks away from my rule over his life.  Even failing miserably at it doesn’t seem to be a loss for him.

Once we take our eyes off of God and what He has planned for our lives, that often happens.  And as I told him just the other night, God will not allow His children to sin successfully

Father, my heart breaks for the stubborn willfulness that sin produces when we think we know better than You the best things for ourselves.  So often You have to get us to the bottom of the well before we can understand that we’ve been trying to live life upside down. 

Your Brother In Christ,

Gary Ford

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