Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Zephaniah 1 -- Big Trouble Coming

About this book, the sidebar of my Bible says, “God does not want to destroy people or nations, but God’s moral perfection means that He cannot overlook sin.”  The Jews remembered how He had called them to be His covenant people, and for some reason they believed it didn’t matter what they did – that covenant would keep them from harm.  Their neighbors influenced them to worship Baal and Molech in addition to God.  But God will not share His glory.  Their continued refusal to listen was going to cost them dearly.  The Babylonians would be God’s invited guests at a sacrifice, and the sacrifice would be the Jews!

Zephaniah’s prophecy also heralds the great day of the Lord yet to come as well, and the destruction that will occur on that day makes the Babylonian invasion and captivity pale in comparison.  This book therefore wasn’t just for the pre-captivity Jews.  It’s for us as well.  And when we hear God say, “I will punish those who are satisfied with themselves, who think, ‘The Lord won’t help us or punish us,’” it ought to make us redouble our own efforts to rid sin from our lives, to depend solely upon Him, and to never be satisfied with our own holiness or our efforts to lead others to Christ.

Father, help me to examine my own life and remove that which is not of You.  Increase my care for the lost.  Make me passionate about helping them come to faith in Christ.

Your Brother In Christ,

Gary Ford

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