Thursday, September 11, 2014

Amos 7-9 What We NEVER Want To Hear From God

Amos struggled with the Lord.  He loved his nation, but he loved God more.  Amos had not failed to deliver the word of the Lord.  When God showed him visions of a locust plague and a devouring fire, Amos pled with God not to bring such judgments upon Israel.  In both instances, God listened and relented.

The third vision was of a plumb line, set among Amos’ people to prove how “out of true” they had become.  That’s one of the roles that Jesus performs.  Once God showed them how they had become no longer set apart and holy, because of their own actions and choices, He declared, “I will spare them no longer.”  Where in Isaiah 43:3, God had told them how He had chosen them from among all the people of the earth as His own, even giving up others for them, He now says, “Israel, you are no different to Me than the people of Cush.”  What a tragic thing to hear!

Father, please keep me from ever straying so far away from You that You’d feel like saying that to me.  Thank You for placing Your own Son as the plumb line in my life!

Your Brother In Christ,

Gary Ford

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