God directed Isaiah to write this chapter almost a century before Cyrus was even born!
I can just imagine the Jews wondering who this Cyrus was and perhaps wondering if he was to be their
warrior Messiah.
God specifically anointed Cyrus for a task. He would release the captive Jews from
Babylon, return them to the Promised Land, and use all of the treasures God had
helped him to amass to rebuild Jerusalem.
A foreign king who would not
be a Jew would do all of this! Isn’t that just like God!
I really liked verses 4-5:
“Cyrus, I call you by name, and I give you a title of honor even though
you don’t know Me. I am the Lord. There is no other God; I am the only
God. I will make you strong, even though you don’t know Me, so that
everyone will know there is no other
Just as God left this message, through Isaiah, for Cyrus, He
left one here for each of us as well:
“All people everywhere, follow
Me and be saved. I am God. There is no other God.”
Father, thank You for this word today. Thank You for caring about me before I was ever born, and for
planning out just how You would bless
me. Though the days coming up seem laden
with sadness, I will trust in You. You
are my only hope.
Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford
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