Monday, June 9, 2014

Nehemiah 7 -- Nuggets Hidden Under The Numbers

As I began reading, I wondered just what I’d get out of this long list of names, but as always, God is faithful!  From my commentary, He pointed out “three important steps that must be taken by any leader in order to protect the people and the work that has been done:  Enlisting leadership, establishing citizenship, and encouraging worship.”

Nehemiah looked for and found men with two wonderful qualities:  they were faithful to God and they feared God.  Their greatest ability was their dependability, my commentary noted.

Nehemiah also had to appoint guards, for what good are walls and gates without someone to make use of them?  My commentary says the message for us today is “If God’s people don’t protect what they have accomplished for the Lord, the enemy will come in and take it over.  Paul’s admonition must be heeded:  ‘And having done all, to stand.’”

Finally, leaders are dealers in hope, it said, and God had a message of hope for the city of Jerusalem and its inhabitants:  “The righteous can rebuild what has been torn down and start over again … God keeps accounts of His servants … The Lord is able to keep His work going … No matter how discouraging the situation might be, God is able to accomplish His purposes if we will trust Him and do His will.”

Father, don’t let discouragement set in.  I need it kept at bay in all areas of my life.  Continue to be my hope, and help me to be hope to others.

Your Brother In Christ,

Gary Ford

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