Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Ezekiel 44 -- More Comings And Goings

God is showing Ezekiel how His very movements and His presence sanctifies everything.  The east gateway of the Temple area was to remain closed in this new era after God enters through it, because God had entered through it. 

Ezekiel was allowed to see God’s glory filling the Temple, and this caused him to bow facedown on the ground in reverence, even though it had been the Lord who had been speaking to him all this time!

The Jewish people had desecrated the old Temple.  Now God reinforces the rules He’d given to Moses, and grants sole vesting of the priesthood in Zadok’s family because of their continued allegiance and righteousness.

Once again God tells Ezekiel to “pay attention to the entrance to the Temple and to all the exits from the Temple area.”  This seems to reinforce what Ronnie Hill believes about the last few chapters and helps us to reinforce the idea that we should got out changed – different – when we’ve been in the presence of God.  And as His kingdom of priests, we are to keep ourselves separate and holy from the world.

Father, help me to have the same desire that the members of Zadok’s family had, knowing that what I’m giving up in the world is so very worth it.  You promise blessings that have inestimable value if we choose to stay faithful to You.

Your Brother In Christ,

Gary Ford

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