Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Ezekiel 34-35 What WE'RE Supposed To Be Doing

God had harsh words for those who were supposed to be shepherding His people.  Specifically, they’d been enriching themselves and hadn’t fed His flock, hadn’t strengthened the weak, or healed and bandaged the hurt.  They hadn’t brought back those who had strayed or searched for the lost.

God was taking them out, and He was going to do the job Himself.  And as for those sheep who were shoving others aside, trashing resources, and monopolizing what little time the shepherds did spend on them, He would judge that behavior as well.

God once again delivered a message of hope for the nation of Israel, promising to break the power of their captors, and promising to bring them back from the nations (not just the one nation of Babylon) one day and blessing them in Israel.

God also promised that Esau’s land of Edom would become devoid of inhabitants and would one day become an empty ruin for the way in which they’d tried to thwart God’s will with his people, the Jews.

Over and over God says, “Then they will know that I am the Lord.”  His people would one day know that in a good way, receiving His blessings and His watchcare.  But His enemies would also know that He is the Lord – when they suffer defeat at His hands.  How much better to receive His blessings instead, through our obedience to Him!

Father, I believe You call us today to the same duties You mentioned for these shepherds.  We are to help make the weak strong, to bandage and care for the sick and injured, to bring back those who have strayed, and to search for the lost.  Help us to be Christ’s body on earth to Your sheep, and not to simply watch out for ourselves.

Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

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