Friday, January 10, 2014

John 5:30-47 Some Of Jesus' Most Important Words?

“I can do nothing alone.  I judge only the way I am told, so My judgment is fair.  I don’t try to please Myself, but I try to please the One who sent Me.”

His total dependence upon God the Father and His singular devotion to His mission on earth really come out here.  He sets Himself aside for use by the Father, even unto death.

The Jews were always demanding signs or witnesses before they would believe.  John the Baptist was one witness, He said.  The miracles He performed were another, and the Scriptures were a third witness – all that was needed according to the Law to validate His ministry.

Jesus plainly told them what was wrong with their hearts – they didn’t have God’s love in them, they were trying to get praise for themselves, and although they revered Moses, they didn’t really believe what He said about Christ, either.  “They were religious and self-righteous, but they were not saved,” my commentary said.

Father, I know it’s not enough to have just head-knowledge about You and Your Son.  Besides believing with our minds, our wills must be submitted to You and our hearts must be filled with Your love or else we are not saved.  Please reveal this to those You place in my path and allow me to show them what You’ve shown me over the years.

Your Brother In Christ,

Gary Ford

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