God really didn’t like what the Pharisees had done to hijack
His people’s hearts. “They’d developed traditions that had been handed down,
allegedly (according to the rabbis) from Moses to the elders as oral law. It had eventually been written down and
called the Mishnah. They’d made it more important and more authoritative than the original law of
Moses,” my commentary noted.
“Jesus let them know that they were breaking God’s law by practicing
their traditions … Jesus made it clear that obedience to tradition made a person disobedient to the Word of God, and this proved the tradition to be false … Tradition deals with ritual, while God’s truth deals with reality. Tradition brings empty words to the lips, but
truth penetrates the heart and changes the life. Actually, tradition robs a person of the power of the Word of God … God wants us
to give Him our hearts, and not just our lip
service. We believe in the heart, love
from the heart, sing from the heart,
obey from the heart, and give from the heart.”
If our worship is
simply lip service and doesn’t come from the heart, we might as well not even
have shown up!
My commentary wrapped up
this chapter with six spiritual lessons:
The enemies of truth are
often religious people who live according to man’s traditions. Satan often uses religion to blind
the mind of sinners to the simple truths of God’s Word.
We must beware of any religious system that
gives us an excuse to sin and disobey God’s Word.
We must also beware of
worship that comes from the lips only, and not from the heart.
If we major on the inner man, the outer man will be what
God wants it to be. True holiness comes
from within.
It is difficult to break
free of tradition. There is something in
us that wants to hold to the past and make no changes.
We dare not limit Christ
to any one nation or people. The gospel
came ‘to the Jews first’, but today is for all men in all nations.
Father, the Pharisees
were trying to create or manufacture
holiness through actions that did not change the heart. True holiness only comes from You when our hearts have connected
with You and are not set on being about us. It can’t be contrived or forced upon us. Keep that from happening and open our hearts
to true worship of the One who loves
us just as we are, but Who also wants to make us more like Himself.
Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford
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