Thursday, August 8, 2013

Acts 6 -- Not A Problem, But An Opportunity

They were having a problem in the new church.  My commentary calls it an opportunity:  “Problems give us the opportunity to examine our ministry and discover what changes must be made.  In times of success, it is easy for us to maintain the status quo, but this is dangerous.  Success in ‘a last-year’s nest from which the birds have flown’.  Any ministry or organization that thinks its success will go on automatically is heading for failure.  We must regularly examine our lives and our ministries lest we start taking things for granted.”


It went on, “The apostles studied the situation and concluded that they were to blame:  they were so busy serving tables that they were neglecting prayer and the ministry of the Word of God.  They had created their own problem because they were trying to do too much.  It is a matter of priorities; the apostles were doing jobs that others could do just as well … It is better to put 10 men to work than to try to do the work of 10 men…  The church was not afraid to adjust their structure in order to make room for a growing ministry.  When structure and ministry collide, this gives us an opportunity to trust God for the solutions.”


Father, help me to see problems as opportunities, rather than seeing them as more little dogs nipping at my heels.  Thank you for this great example of love overpowering potential pride.


Your Brother In Christ,

Gary Ford

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