Monday, May 20, 2013

1 Kings 14 -- The End Begins

Back in the Northern Kingdom, Jereboam’s son had become very ill.  Though he was not apparently praying to God or worshiping Him, Jereboam knew that God’s prophet Ahijah would know the truth about his son.  Too proud to admit that there might be a problem in the kingdom, Jereboam told his wife to dress down and take a peasant’s offering to the prophet.


Though old and blind, Ahijah was still in touch with God, and was told all that was about to happen.  Jereboam’s idolatry would led to his son’s immediate death, despite the fact that his son Abijah pleased the Lord.  So why would God kill a boy who pleased Him when hardly anyone else did?  God used the words of Isaiah to tell us:  “No one understands, for the righteous man is taken away from evil.”  God was calling Abijah away from all the sin that was happening in Israel.  That in itself showed God’s love for him.  Yet what a disaster Jereboam had caused for himself!  His son would be the only male member of the royal line to receive a proper burial.  All others would suffer a fate which was terribly humiliating to Jews – their bodies would never be buried.


But God wasn’t done.  Because Jeroboam’s sin of idolatry had led the people to sin, God would “pull up Israel from the Land” and He would scatter them beyond the Euphrates River at the hand of Assyria.  Once man, Jereboam, had chosen to sin after God had chosen him to lead, and he had led his nation to sin rather than to worship the One true God.  It would cost his nation everything.


Thomas Jefferson was quoted in my commentary regarding something he wrote in 1781:  “Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God IS just; that His justice cannot sleep forever…”   Chilling words….


Wow, Father!  That sounds all too familiar now.  You’ve already shown that one man’s sin and apostasy can take down a great nation.  Please let it not happen with America.


Your Brother In Christ,

Gary Ford

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