Friday, March 1, 2013

1 Samuel 19 -- The Politician Who Would Do Anything To Stay In Power

On the worldly plain, I can see why Saul was attempting to have his son-in-law David killed – Saul was a politician and like most politicians, he’d do anything to stay in power.


But on a spiritual plain, Saul had to know, through Samuel’s words and through the absence of the Holy Spirit in his life, that it was not in God’s will that his family would continue to rule Israel.  He was therefore choosing to fight God.


My commentary reviewed everything that would happen in David’s life, up to and including the birth of his descendant, Jesus Christ, in his distant future, and stated, “No wonder Satan was so determined to kill David!”


God was David’s defense and refuge, but that didn’t mean that David would foolishly hang around while Saul continued to try and take his life.  His wife urged him to leave for his own safety, and as my commentary pointed out, “God uses human means to accomplish His divine ends … David’s faith was not in himself or in Michal’s schemes, but in the Lord …”


David found Samuel but Saul discovered where they were and sent three different groups of soldiers to kill him.  “God protected David and Samuel, not by sending an army but by sending the Holy Spirit to turn warriors into worshipers.”  When Saul decided to do the job himself, he too was made to fall down, worship, and prophesy about God.  My commentary noted that this proves a person can have a remarkable religious experience and yet have no change in character.  Judas did the same.


Father, I trust You and You alone.  I rely on You to guide me through the minefields Satan has laid on this earth.  I’m sorry that I didn’t always do that, and also for times when I seem to want my own way.  Please keep me safe from the evil one and from my own willfulness, and help me to guide my sons to trust You as well.


Your Brother In Christ,

Gary Ford

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