Monday, November 19, 2012

Jeremiah 30-31 The NEW Covenant

Jeremiah had two horizons in view here, my commentary said:  the return of the exiles and the regathering of Israel in the end times.  The new covenant He promised was based on the work of Christ on the cross.


I read something that our government needs to understand if it’s ever going to get it right – “Any plan for the betterment of human society that ignores the sin problem is destined to failure.”  Taking God out of government won’t make it better.  “The heart of every problem is the problem of the heart.  God must change the hearts of people so that they want to love Him and do His will.”


“The new covenant is inward so that God’s law is written on the heart and not on stone tablets.  The emphasis is personal rather than national, with each person putting faith in the Lord and receiving a new heart and with it a new disposition toward godliness.  The Old covenant tried to control conduct, but the new covenant changes character so that people can love the Lord and one another and want to obey the Lord,” my commentary added.


Father, continue to bring about Your new covenant in the hearts and lives of people everywhere.  Help the whole world to understand the greatest gift You’ve given with the death of Your Son for them!  Continue to change our hearts to cause us to want to obey.  Take out the stubborn hearts of stone.  Create in us clean hearts, Father!


Your Brother In Christ,

Gary Ford

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