Tuesday, April 10, 2012

James 5 -- The Importance Of Our Faith To The World

My commentary says a lot about what we should take away from this book:

“We’ve seen faith on trialtested by the problems of life, by unholy temptations, by obedience to the word of God … We’re challenged to exhibit that faith … The reality of it is seen in a person’s speech; the believer leans to yield his tongue to the lordship of Christ … Faith avoids the feuds, struggles, and jealousies that spring from covetousness and worldly ambition.  It avoids a harsh, critical spirit.  It avoids the self-confidence which leaves God out of life’s plans.  Faith stands trial by the way it earns and spends its money … Faith goes to God in all the changing moods of life … Finally, faith goes out in love and compassion to those who have backslidden.”

Those are tremendous tests of our faith.  But that’s what unbelievers notice.  It’s in the fire that our faith shines out brightest.  It’s in sin where our lack of faith is picked up by the world and used to steal God’s glory. 

Father, please increase my faith.  Help me at those times where I’m tempted to not go the distance with You.  Remind me in those times that my decisions are the hinge-pins that will either lead people toward You or turn them away, and I don’t want that responsibility on my shoulders if I fail.

Your Brother In Christ,

Gary Ford

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